Feb 7, 2009

A Journey of a Thousand Miles...

Welcome to the first blog about our new brewery!

Cache Valley Brewing Company was originally opened in 1888 in downtown Logan, Utah and now this historic brewery is being revived by a group of Eagle Scouts, all graduates from Logan High.

Having grown up in Logan, we all appreciate the small-town charm of Cache Valley, and we appreciate the historic traditions - especially the one about having a brewery downtown! We are also partnering with local farmers, as well as various departments at USU, but that is another story for another time.

The four of us Eagles have been homebrewing for almost 20 years, and we are excited to see that Utah is on the verge of legalizing homebrewing! Our brewmaster has won several awards for his homebrews, and a couple of us have experience at professional breweries.

Our goal is to make a family-friendly restaurant where anybody from Cache Valley would feel comfortable. And yes, we will have non-alcoholic Root Beer!

If you are interested in getting in on the ground floor on this exciting opportunity, let us know!
We are looking forward to seeing you there soon!


  1. I am very excited to see this re-opening and find it neccessary to offer my assistance in any way shape or form. I once pretended to be an eagle scout and feel terrible to this day. Although I always carry a leathermen and understand chivalry and respect as well as how to fancy a lean to and start a fire with flint and steel. I did make it to webelows Salud!!

  2. I'm very excited that a brewpub is in the works. Good luck to you guys that are working on starting this up!!

  3. is brewing beer approved by the boy scouts of america?

    can my son grow hops for an eagle project?


  4. Jess, if you are serious about the Eagle Project, I have several ideas how to make it a reasonable - and community oriented - project proposal.
    -erosion barrier
    -deer/elk fodder around Hardware Ranch
    -shade for public picnic area
    -awning for historic Logan brewery....

    I know at least one Eagle Scout who will volunteer to help!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yah! Bringing Logan into the modern world... maybe. I will vote with my dollars whenever it is that you open, which I hope is soon. Logan is the first town I have lived in for the past 20 years without it's own brewery. CVBC might just keep me from moving away.

  7. When do you think the restaurant will be opening?

  8. This is really good news. I have been wanting to see a brewpub in Logan since I arrived here in 1985. Count me in if you guys start planning. It is easier to capitalize a venture like this with additional owners


  9. I don't want to come off as riteous. But I've been brewing religiously for six years. I, like many other local home brewers I'm sure, have looked into opening a brewery in Logan. And I'm very curious whether there's a need for someone such as myself at this future brewery.


  10. where are you located? i just moved to logan from boulder and am looking for good homebrew. what are your crossstreets

  11. Hey guys. I gut an email from you a month or two back. You were looking for my number (I posted the previous anonymous comment). But I didn't hear from you. So I want to maintain contact, and am still interested in meeting to talk. But I deleted the email (nothing personal). So I'm not sure how else to contact you. I'll make it worth your time.


  12. So what is up with this? We finally get a 'brewery' in Logan and all they brew is Root Beer!! At least they ship in some decent brew from Moab Brewing Co. but still...brew us up some beer bro!

  13. If this is a go...I want in. No maybe's or if's. I am your man and can bring capital to the table as well. Already brew on a commercial pico brewing system and it is my dream...nay destiny to do this. Come try some of my beers and we'll talk if you're interested. Good luck with your venture.
    Andy Jensen
